
万科 · 翡翠紫台 | 无相园




        At the beginning of the project, the next-door property with a distance of 300 meters had been sold for a period of time, forming a competitive state with our project. Therefore, the overall interface and momentum of the project needs to be relatively large in display and visibility. On the other hand, the huge volume and heavy format of the building also determine the initial temperament of the project. After the landscape intervenes, it mainly considers the status between the two houses (clubhouse and residence) and the garden. One is outgoing. Based on the north of the clubhouse building, the landscape highlights the client's solicitation and memory of the project. The refined hotel tactics strengthened the psychological cues before entering, cooperated with the gate, and looked inside, and the psychological changes emerged spontaneously.


      The other condition is after entering the site. The entire building glass is grounded, and the north and south need to be folded. Otherwise, the north side of the road and the south side of the building will be more awkward and negative. The two-entry garden is defined by two buildings in the north and south. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the use requirements of fire protection and unit entrances and exits. In the future, it is necessary to join the building roads on both sides of the east and west. These potential use requirements force the definition of the inner garden to be quiet and diverse. , or just a kind of phase-less. Then the landscape  should not be too light for the site , and too heavy for the building, the control between light and heavy and the state of the garden are the processes that need to be considered next.




        With the main body (building), the cascading building controls the state of the upper façade. The landscape continues and refines the spatial state of the lower part. From the inner garden, it forms a horizontal effect regardless of each other. Inside and outside of the building.


        The layout around the building and the hollow inside makes the sky a landscape looking up from the bottom. We reflected the sky on the water surface in the inner court, so that light and shadow were projected on the water surface.



        Borrowing each other, the fractal wall not only defines the space but also plays a role. The dependence of the hills, the embracing of the veranda, the unfolding of the facade of the scroll, the opening and closing of the windows and the deformation of the space all rely on 11 The wall becomes complete and coherent.




        The materials are complicated and trivial In the design process. So we are quite thankful to our clients with their corporation  and to our colleagues, to fully coordinate and match the tight construction period. Even though the plants of the north are still weak. Expect them to grow stronger later.


1 数次提笔,难平纷繁,犹如这造园的过程,好比恢弘泼洒之后的偶得性,一便交给了不确定,逻辑之后,便向往诗情画意。

2 美好从来不是一脉相承,美好的背后多是坚持与煎熬,经历了时间的揉杂,才会历久弥新。

3 最近常说,无数强度的工作日复一日,夜晚好比死亡,清晨好比重生,死亡与重生转换之间是安然的睡梦,奇妙的事情我们从来都不曾发觉。

4 敲打百字,微信嗡嗡作响,设置了无数个群静音,还是嗡嗡作响,夏天到了,不见嗡嗡的蛙虫,只见黑乎乎的手机。

5 设计说明简述一些,清晰了空间逻辑,我觉得看看图片,放大看看,能存下来,挺好。

6 构建一种视角,安置一些情绪,等待四季轮转,花开花败,收纳所有的美好与不美好,便可能是这个专业的独到之处。

7 这个园子8000多平,前场后场全部保留,踱步后园,难以一次走全,兜兜转转,或偶遇,或远望,能随便就挺好。












里表都会UNLIMITED METROPOLIS 以创造设计价值为初衷,立足首都北京,努力成为多样艺术创意的设计机构,景观设计类型包括高端商业地产、多业态酒店、产业园区、现代居住社区,以及大尺度的公园、城市更新等,服务于万科,华润,佳兆业,融创等多家优质的开发商。

UNLIMITEDMETROPOLIS With the original intention of creating design value, based on the capital Beijing, and striving to become the most artistic and creative landscape design institution in China, the projects include luxury commercial real estate, multi-format hotels, industrial parks, modern residential communities, and large-scale parks and urban renewal.
Our team is to develop interest and diversity of the projects, and in other areas to explore design boundary, the accumulation of diversified design practical experience, and always try different type in the field of design, hope to integrated retail, lifestyle, aesthetic experience or different directions.


